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What is OverTime20?

OverTime20 is a Dungeons & Dragons 5e homebrew podcast and video series. The main cast is compised of four individuals. These members being: Victor Stoll, Rachael Rochon, and Trish De La Cerda as players, with Alan De La Cerda as the Dungeon Master. We stream once a month and will be releasing weekly content via YouTube and Spotify at the start of 2023.


OverTime20's goal is to show new players how we like to play D&D. For us D&D is more than a game. It brings our busy lives together and we all get to relax and let our burdens go for a while. It’s a way to escape and find comfort in a world with people, places, and ideas different than our own. We want to show others this world and how we interact with it. We want to show that D&D isn’t a scary overwhelmingly difficult game, but rather one that bring people together.

Meet the cast

photo of Alan photo of Victor photo of Trish photo of Rachael

Game Information

OverTime20 is a small project funded only by the included members. With this in mind we still all have individual schedules and budgets we need to conform to and take into account. Episode timing and lengths vary depending on what we have planned in our personal lives. Due to this some sessions will have an "A-side" and "B-side", simply meaing both episodes were streamed on the same day. We ask that that you, the viewer, understand this and bare with us as we do our best to bring you content on a planned, yet varied, schedule. Reitterating that this is a project coming out of our own pockets, we'd like to let you know why some episodes have a camera that shows the cast while others don't. We currently only have one battery for our camera and when that dies we have no back up, so in these situations the stream will still continue only without a camera. To compensate, we use more screen space for the game map and character dialog. We are working on trying to get this solved to bide time until we can either update the camera or find a replacement battery. We apologize if this offputs anyone, but we hope you continue to support us and our journey!

In Session 1 A-side of OverTime20, we are introduced to our main cast of Harbinger Camidoth, played by Victor, Theodora Bundy, played by Trish, and Cirilla Ellumin Marcery (Ciri), played by Rachael. We follow their journey of initiation into the Syndicate of Magic, Defense, and Regulation. During this Session the party meets 3 other new recruits, Diego Reyes, Sqian, and Ori Hanazuki. Guided by one of the Syndicate Regulators, "Lucky" Luciano Hether, these six are given briefings on the sMDR's XV Pillars of Protectiions.

In Session 1 B-side, The group has now had some time to think about the pillar they will be testing for and signing on to. Over the episode, the party splits individually to run try out for the branches they registered for. Theodora tries for Esoteric Arts Unit and the Guild Runners, Harbinger tests his might with the Magic Regulation Team and the Search and Rescue Squad, while Ciri pushes her limits and takes three exams, the Range and Recon Division, the Excavators, and the Guild Runners. After time taking the exams, talking with the Branch heads, and meeting back up, they recieve their performance evaluations and decided on the branch they wish to permantely sign on to.

Session 2 picks up shortly after the party signs their contracts. They receive their Syndicate markings and find their way to thier rooms. On the way up, they decide to meet in the Lounge Hall once they are ready. They explore their new rooms, find their new belongings, and freshen up. As they reunite and arrive at the lounge, they stumble across a small group of sMDR members conversing amongst themselves. Introdutions ensue and they meet, Leonna Mist, Myantha Beivyre, Dyvin Kirsted and Syndicate Regulator Kohaku Nightingale.

In the A-side of Session 3, we open to the party wrapping up their meeting in the Lounge Hall and getting ready to head to the Dining Hall for lunch. The party makes individual plans for after lunch to meet with other memebers in theri branch. They head to the hall and Harbinger notices two people dressed in garb similar to those of the leader of the Magic Regulation Team. He and Theodora make a plan to spark conversation with those two while Ciri decideds to head outside to smoke. Outside, Ciri meets two other memebers of the Range and Recon Divison, Christian Whitegate and Tyria Mystan who she converses with for a while. Meanwhile, Theodora and Harbinger's plan is successful and they converse with Kenji and Shae Derby who reveal they are indeed part of the Magic Defense Team. They converse for a while then break away to enjoy lunch.

After an enjoyable meal, Kohaku snags the party before they can leave and introduces them to the rest of the Syndicate Regulators and heads of the XV Pillars of Protection. As introductions come to a close, Harbinger begins to back away during conversation. Syndicate Regulator, Flamae Dyresus doesn't take too kindly to this and commands them meet in the Combat Zone in a few hours. During the downtime of waiting, they decide to meet the seamstress of the Syndicate, Rebecca Yismay. They hand in custom commissions for their outfits, and head over to the Combat Zone.

Randomly Generate Your Own Character!

Class assignment

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Your Defining Item